Downspout Extensions For Your Gutter Drains In Jamestown
Whenever it rains or snows, the rain gutters at the edge of your roof channel stormwater to the downspouts, which are typically situated at the corners or sides of your home, and which are a vital component of a good moisture management system. However, if those downspouts drain all that water right next to your foundation there is a potential for serious water damage to the foundation concrete! If the soil directly touching your foundation walls is regularly waterlogged, your home is undoubtedly under tremendous pressure from the wet, expansive soil, and over time this hydrostatic pressure will lead to bowed, cracked, or tilted basement walls, water intrusion into your basement, and potential structural damage.
Total Foundation Solutions is a trusted team that can take care of all your waterproofing and drainage needs in Jamestown, including downspout extension installation. Our experts have an easy solution to rain gutter drains that don’t extend far enough away from your foundation. Downspout extensions are durable extension pipes that attach to the bottom of your downspouts and direct the water away from your foundation. They are an effective and simple solution to protect your home from water damage and are a significant part of any comprehensive waterproofing plan. Our exterior drainage experts can show you how a conventional rain gutter downspout system puts your home at risk from severe water damage and will consult with you about how a simple downspout extension on your Jamestown home can save you the cost of extensive and costly repairs in the future.
Whether you’ve already experienced the hassle of basement water damage, or you wish to avoid any damage to your property in Jamestown, downspout extensions are one valuable way to safeguard your property. Total Foundation Solutions can guide you in choosing the best rain gutter drain extenders for your Jamestown home. These can be installed quickly, either on their own, or as part of a larger waterproofing installation that includes drainage systems, drainage mats, or the sealing of your exterior basement walls.

Take the simple step today in waterproofing your home in Jamestown with downspout extensions from Total Foundation Solutions. We have over 30 years of industry experience installing rain gutter drain extenders in Jamestown and hundreds of happy customers. Call us today for your free waterproofing estimate!